2010年12月4日 星期六

台屋港賣首例 香港仲介進軍台灣房市


2010-12-4 經濟日報



(中原價單的參考匯價HKD$100=NTD$376, 1坪=35.5呎)

3 則留言:

  1. After living in the US for two decades, I recently returned to my hometown, Taipei. I got a LITTLE culture shock in Taiwan. Additionally, as for me, Taipei has been changing so much that it is hard to be recognized without using a city map.
    Yep, I like Kaohsiung personally. Although it might be the place of my yesterday's dream, Kaohsiung could still be the promise of the future.
    (ps, I hope the water of the Love River is clean enough so I can swim there.)

  2. "Change" is the victor's slogan in America, why not good in Taiwan? Hope to change for better, no matter in Taipei or Kaohsiung. My dear friend...welcome home.

  3. Above all, there is no doubt that the universe which we live in fully manifests the phenomena of change
    For instance,
    Whenever a leadership cannot be satisfied, the majority of the people will remove their leaders through voting.
    Since the structure of DNA was found in the early 1950s, the entire biomedical research and understandings have been transferring a lot.
    Because some experimental tests of quantum mechanics are/were conducted, such as quantum entanglement, Einstein's general relativity has been gradually shaking.

    My dear friend, on the other hand, it could be dangerous to forget our ancestral wisdom, when we assimilate other cultures.
    After all, like a tree, while it uses photosynthesis to convert light energy to chemical energy for life, however, if its root was cut, the tree will be destroyed.

    Best wishes.


    ( Heaven operates on consistent principles. These principles did not exist for the sake of Yao, and did not die away for the sake of Jie. To respond to these principles with orderly governance brings fortune, to respond to these principles with chaos brings misfortune. Xun Zi (300-230 BC)
    天行有常,不為堯存,不為桀亡,應之以治則吉,應之以亂則凶。 )
